An Important Manners Lesson for the First Day of School:  Preparing for the New Student in Your Classroom

Have you ever been the new student at school?  It is not easy.  Today’s article and video (below) gives tips on how to involve your students while at the same time providing a lesson on using good manners at school.

Put yourself in the shoes of the new student. Wouldn’t it be nice to have some personal attention during this tough transition?

By becoming aware of the new students, it gives your students the chance to practice:

  • Good character
  • Kindness
  • Empathy
  • Manners
  • Respect for others
  • Life skills
  • Conversation skills

Resources Teach Manners in Classroom

Involve your students.  Ask their thoughts on how they can help someone integrate into your school.  Here are some ideas:

Tips to Help the New Student at School

how to start etiquette business

Choose a student: Select a student to sit with the new person during lunch for the first week of school.

become etiquette consultant

A list of questions:  As a class, create a list of questions to ask the new student.  This is a great exercise and promotes conversation skills.

Show them around: Instead of handing the new student a map or nothing at all, provide a human touch and have a student show them how to proceed through the line at the cafeteria, walk them to the library and where the restrooms are located.

Would you like lesson plans and the curriculum to teach manners in your classroom?  Here are the steps to get started:MTG Manners curriculum English

Step 1

Purchase and download.  Yes, we accept PO’s.

Step 2

Print and customize to meet the needs of your students and timeframe.  You decide how many modules to teach at at time.  You may teach a lesson for 10 minutes or an entire week at a designated time.  Many schools use our curriculum for after school programs.

Step 3

Teach and Transform. Read testimonials from other educators.  All the praise is located on our website.

Watch the video for more ideas and teachable moments to use in your classroom:

Manners To Go Accepts PO's

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About the Manners To Go Curriculum for Educators

Lisa Richey teaching etiquette at a school event

Our work is featured in the New York Times, Parents Magazine, The Huffington Post, Fox News Channel and the Today Show website.  We develop teaching curriculum for all grade levels.

We are here to help guide you on making a meaningful mark on today’s youth.

Click here to view our website, Manners To Go

Manners To Go Links and Resources

Elementary School Lesson Plans and Tips to Teach Eye Contact and Empathy

Teach Middle School Students About Social Media Etiquette

















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