This book will help you teach social skills in your classroom.
Last weekend I was in our local bookstore. This title, Luli and the Language of Tea by Andrea Wang, jumped off the shelf. I walked right to it.
Yes, the cover is bright and inviting but once I opened the book and read a few pages, I knew I had to add to my resources for Preschool children.

Use This Book to Make a Human Connection
And this is why: this book speaks to the many cultures that make up the classrooms across the world. This book also addresses how to make the human connection.
If you have been following us, you know I am a big believer in this topic. Why not start them young – in Preschool?
“The playroom was quiet. Luli couldn’t speak English. Neither could the others. All around the room, children played alone.”
The story goes on to tell about Luli’s plan. She has a fat-bellied (don’t you love this description) teapot with matching cups.
Luli passes around the tea cups to all the children in her class. And everyone speaks a different language- however, they all speak the language of TEA!
This story is heartwarming! I encourage you to get your own copy and share it with your students.
Teach Manners and Social Skills Using This Book
You can easily add role-playing and a fun activity along with this book and teach manners and social skills in your Preschool classroom at the same time.

Luli uses a “fat-bellied” teapot to connect with her classmates. This type of teapot is easy to find. You can use paper cups to pass around lemonade or water. Let your students practice pouring tea for each other.
During this time, have them engage in conversation with their classmates. You can read them the story of Luli while they are having “tea”.
For more resources on How to Teach Children to Have a Conversation, click here.
The ideas are endless.
Have fun and of course, share your experience with us.