Manners and Minecraft for Etiquette Experts

What are your thoughts on Manners and Minecraft?  I am sharing mine today and it might surprise you!

Last week I was a keynote speaker for a company that asked me to speak on Generational Connections and Differences in the workplace.

Timing is everything!  As I was preparing for this engagement, we also had an eleven-year old staying with us for the week.  

You might be asking what the two have to do with each other.

Manners and Minecraft

As a speaker, I like to share stories (there is a power in storytelling) that align with the topic I am delivering.  

This eleven-year old brought a different energy and vide into our home – and we loved every second of it. In advance of his visit, we had plans for time at the pool, Go Ape (zip line), golf and tennis lessons, homemade Oreos, etc. 

Quickly, we noticed his love for Minecraft. 

The judgment set in immediately – I must admit. Was this really the best use of his time?  

I stepped back and watched and became amazed. 

Here Is What I  Noticed About Minecraft

  • His laughter with friends
  • The engagement from all the players (I could hear the conversations)
  • The singing
  • The strategizing
  • He asked me to help him with spelling words

He was having fun which was really important for me to witness.  And I loved seeing him have fun.

We can be so quick to pass judgment on generations that are different from our own.

The Future of Minecraft for Certified Etiquette Experts and Teachers

No, we do not know what the effects will be from Minecraft – both positive and negative.

Using Minecraft to Teach Manners and Social Skills

For now, I am embracing this game.  And I am also considering how can we use it to teach social skills and manners.

During a training session I had last week with a new licensee, she mentioned that she was a gamer growing up and quickly pointed out how fast she can code, build a website and manage a successful business because of it.

Using Minecraft to teach social skills and manners to children can be a good idea, as it leverages a platform that many children enjoy and are familiar with. 

Here Are  Ways Minecraft Can Help with Social Skills and Manners:

  1. Collaboration and Teamwork: Minecraft often involves working together to build structures, solve problems, or complete tasks. This requires communication, cooperation, and compromise, all of which are important social skills.
  2. Communication: Players need to discuss strategies, share resources, and negotiate roles and responsibilities. This helps children practice verbal and written communication skills.
  3. Conflict Resolution: Conflicts can arise in collaborative play, providing opportunities for children to practice resolving disagreements, negotiating solutions, and understanding different perspectives.
  4. Creativity and Problem-Solving: The open-ended nature of Minecraft encourages creative thinking and problem-solving, which can be enhanced through group projects and shared goals.
  5. Manners and Etiquette: In multiplayer modes, children can learn digital etiquette, such as taking turns, sharing resources, and respecting other players’ creations.
  6. Empathy and Understanding: Playing with others from diverse backgrounds can help children develop empathy and understand different perspectives and cultures.
  7. Self-Regulation: Managing time in the game, dealing with frustration when things don’t go as planned, and following the rules of the game can help children practice self-regulation and patience.

However, it’s important to consider some factors to ensure the experience is positive and educational:

  • Moderation: Balance screen time with other activities to ensure children have a well-rounded experience.
  • Supervision: Adult supervision or involvement can help guide interactions and reinforce positive behavior.
  • Age-Appropriate: Ensure the game settings and interactions are appropriate for the child’s age.
  • Contextual Learning: Discuss in-game experiences and relate them to real-world social scenarios to reinforce learning.

I am so curious.  What are your thoughts on Minecraft?  What are your observations?

Respond to this email and let us know. We always love hearing from you.

Related Article: You Can Help Parents Raise Kind, Confident and Mannerly Children

Here is a FREE Guide to Help YOU Start a Business Teaching Manners to Children


6 Things Needed to start an etiquette business

Here Are Your Next Steps

Step 1

Get to Know Manners To Go™

Most likely, you will want to get to know us. Feel free to call or email us. Click on the links below. We are happy to discuss the details with you.

Step 2

Decide on the best training option for you

We offer two trainings to become certified to teach manners to children:

Professional Consultant Certification - Live video training

Option #1:

“Live” Video Training

If you are looking to start immediately and save money on travel and time, then this is your best option.You choose the dates of our trainings. Most choose to have their sessions once a week, others twice. This is a “live” and private training. It is NOT self-guided.

2 Day Etiquette Certificate Training

Option #2:

Two-Day In-Person

PRIVATE Training.  That’s right, we meet in person, the two of us and our focus is completely on your business.  Click the image above or follow the button below to learn more and to see a list of cities available for your training.

Step 3

Receive the curriculum and book your training dates

Upon payment, you receive the curriculum. Next, we will send an email asking you to schedule your first training date.

Manners To Go Lesson Plans for Teachers

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Manners To Go™ movement with Lisa Richey.

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