New Etiquette Consultant


New Etiquette Consultant

Texas, watch out because you have a new etiquette consultant in the Houston area! Michele Weber  is now licensed and certified to teach the Manners To Go program.

So that you may get to know Michele, I asked her a few questions.  Continue reading to learn more about this Texas mom and her desire to start her own business.

A New Etiquette Consultant

A New Etiquette Consultant in Texas


Why did you decide to start a business teaching manners to children?

I have always had a love for teaching children and young adults. Whether I was in undergrad as a speech pathologist helping children learn basic social skills or as a pharmaceutical manager developing young adults. I recognized that manners, just simple social skills, are a vital component to the success of a person as a whole. There is a need in our society and my area (Houston) for manners instruction and I wanted to meet that need.


As a mom, what is your most favorite time of the day?
My favorite time of the day is the morning with a cup of Community coffee. The kids slowly wake up and make it downstairs to sit and talk and on occasion and ask for coffee milk to drink with mom.


If your day had one extra hour, how would you spend it?

At this moment in life one extra hour in the day would probably be spent driving to soccer, cheer or dance. I would appreciate that hour though because I know that very soon I will have no one to drive anywhere.


What is/was your favorite book to read to your children?

The Little Red Hen: Why? Other than being able to create all types of character voices, I love that it teaches children the virtues of work ethic and personal initiative.

What do you look forward to most about starting your own business?

I look forward to seeing children, tweens and teens learn a new skill that they can take through life and use to develop a better “self”.

Learn More About Becoming Certified to Teach Manners to Children

New Etiquette Consultant

If you are interested in starting your own business teaching manners to children, I invite you to have a conversation. Whether we decide to work together or not, I am confident our call will be full of insights.

Get Certified to Teach Manners To Children

Please pick a time that is most convenient for you. I look forward to our call.

To follow Manners To Go on Facebook, click here.

Click on this link to view Michele’s new website, Southern Charm Manners.

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