3 Questions to Ask Right Now If You Are Aspiring to Become a Certified Etiquette Expert

Q: Is the curriculum I am purchasing comprehensive and designed to inspire and enlighten children to learn manners?
A. This is one of the most critical questions to ask and research when you are seeking to become certified to teach manners to children.
- What is included in the curriculum? All grade levels? A few? Only one? Are the lesson plans easy to use?
- What does the curriculum look like? Is it child-friendly? Is the branding cohesive? Is it robust? Do you have enough lesson plans to teach at least three months of classes? Does it have role-playing activities?

Aspiring to Become an Etiquette Expert
Q.Does the company’s branding and mission align with who I am?
A.Basically, is the curriculum and company who is certifying you a company that you can be proud to associate with – do they align with who you are as a business owner and as a person?
Q. Do I also get trained in how to start and market my new etiquette business?
A. This is a one area you do not want to overlook. Starting a business takes grace, grit and gumption.
Will you receive this type of training along with the curriculum you will be purchasing? Are templates of proposals included (tip: this IS included in the Manners To Go certification). How about contract templates, photo and video release forms? How to teach using the new materials you purchased? How to contact new leads? How to go out and get new business?

Whew! We know, it is a lot to take in and to do.
We encourage you to do your research. Know what you are purchasing.
Over the years, we have received so many calls expressing disappointment with other etiquette companies NOT delivering an exceptional experience.
We are here for you when you are ready.
Related Article: How Am I Trained by Manners To Go
Becoming Certified as an Etiquette Expert
Becoming a certified children’s etiquette expert involves gaining knowledge and skills to effectively teach young individuals about proper behavior and manners.
In addition to these questions, certification programs may also cover topics such as effective communication with children, managing challenging behavior, and staying current with contemporary issues that impact children’s social skills.
Aspiring children’s etiquette experts should be well-versed in these areas to provide a comprehensive and effective education in manners and etiquette.
Here is a FREE Guide to Help YOU Start a Business Teaching Manners to Children
Here Are Your Next Steps

Get to Know Manners To Go™
Most likely, you will want to get to know us. Feel free to call or email us. Click on the links below. We are happy to discuss the details with you.

Decide on the best training option for you
We offer two trainings to become certified to teach manners to children:

Option #1:
“Live” Video Training
If you are looking to start immediately and save money on travel and time, then this is your best option.You choose the dates of our trainings. Most choose to have their sessions once a week, others twice. This is a “live” and private training. It is NOT self-guided.

Option #2:
Two-Day In-Person
PRIVATE Training. That’s right, we meet in person, the two of us and our focus is completely on your business. Click the image above or follow the button below to learn more and to see a list of cities available for your training.

Receive the curriculum and book your training dates
Upon payment, you receive the curriculum. Next, we will send an email asking you to schedule your first training date.