One of the greatest joys when teaching children manners,  is to watch their level of confidence sky rocket…almost instantaneously. It is the awareness, the attention to how it feels to be confident on the inside that makes the biggest impact.  An obvious light bulb goes on!

Recently, I partnered with and contributed to an article on How to Boost Kids’ Confidence.  To read the article, click here.

7 Ways to Boost Kids’ Confidence

One trick to prevent bullying? Raising confident kids. Here are ways you can build self esteem at any age.

    1.  Model Acceptance: Opinions are fine, but don’t demean others in front of your children.
    2. Teach Good Manners: Having manners helps you to feel good about yourself
    3. Give Genuine Compliments: Give compliments that are true, appropriate for the child and meaningful
    4. Set Kids up to Succeed: Play to your child’s natural abilities
    5. Help Them to Trust Themselves: Let them choose but offer guidance
    6. Assign Household Chores: Assign chores to allow them to feel useful and accept responsibilities
    7. Open Your Home to Friends: Help foster friendships and stay involved
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