Teaching Manners and the History of AfterSchool Programs in America
Afterschool programs are an intricate part of our education system.
You will benefit and have a deeper understanding on the history of afterschool programs as you are watching this film.
I was glued and learned so much thanks to Temescal Associates and the How Kids Learn Foundation. A link to the hour long film is below in the Manners To Go Resource Guide.
After care programs for children date back to the late 1880’s. We brought families from our farm lands and other countries to work in our factories.
Settlement houses were started to meet the huge demand for child care.Immigration labor and women working created a need for child care.
Fast forward to today and we can no longer think of afterschool programs as a need to reduce crime or keep children off the streets. While after care does meet those needs it is so much more.
Afterschool programs offer our youth:
A chance to build skills
Explore their interests outside of the traditional classroom
Teaching manners and life skills in your classroom has never been easier. We guide you every step of the way. At Manners To Go, we help you implement a character building and social skills program into your classroom.,
Your job is to watch your students transform.
Have you downloaded your FREE Lesson Plan? We have one for each grade level.
You know the importance of teaching good manners, life skills and character in your classroom. We can no longer take the stand that life skills and manners should be taught at home. Yes, I agree, manners should be taught at home but in many cases, they are not.
Every child deserves to learn manners, don’t you think?
When you teach manners in your classroom,you take a massive stand and declare:
You value the well-being of your students
You want to make an impact on their social and emotional needs
You empower yourself by choosing a manners curriculum that allows you to customize a plan to teach manners and social skills
You are ready to transform your classroom and your students
Tips and Topics to Teach Good Manners in Your Classroom
Here are a few tips and topics to start teaching manners in your classroom. These tips can be used in any grade level.
Why Manners Matter: Start with the “why”. Have you downloaded our Free Lesson Plan? We provide a link by grade level below. You may use this in your classroom. This guides you on how to get started and provides you with the activities and handouts to get started.
Your goal is to teach and your students on “why” it is important to use good manners. You will have a discussion with your students to talk about kindness, how it feels on the inside when we use good manners, why it makes us feel confident, empathy, the action to take to make others feel comfortable and more.
Eye Contact: When you teach eye contact, you will see an immediate difference. Children need to told and shown in many cases. You will see their face light up when you teach eye contact. If you teach Preschool or Kindergarten, kneel down on your knees and actually look at them in the eye to show them what it looks like.
Eye contact shows others we are confident, are listening and we care.
Handshakes: Have you considered starting your day with a handshake and greeting each student with a handshake in the morning? Doing this provides so many teachable moments. You can teach eye contact, handshakes and conversation skills within a few seconds for each student.
Would you like to teach manners in your classroom? We guide you every step of the way. It is easy. All the work is done for you.
Now is the time to start. We offer an affordable curriculum and if you purchase before September 30, 2019, you can use a COUPON CODE for a discount. The COUPON CODE IS MTG10.
Here are your next steps:
Choose your grade level: We offer all grade levels:
Choose your package: We offer the following lesson plans and bundle options for each grade level:
First Impressions
Communication Skills
Table Manners
Bundle of all three
Download, Teach and Transform:Our curriculum is downloadable. Once the order is processed, you can begin teaching. Our manners lesson plans are easy to customize. You may teach for an entire semester, 10 minutes a week or focus on the modules for an entire month.
Our curriculum is used for after school programs too.
Manners Lesson Plans: Affordable Pricing Announced on Tuesday, August 13 at 7pm EST | Facebook Live
Life Skills | Character Education | Social Emotional Learning
It is not a secret that teaching manners in your classroom will transform your students.
Maybe you have thought about teaching manners in your classroom already…only to get tripped up by all the research you need to do such as:
Creating the lesson plans
Finding the handouts that are relevant and age appropriate
The suggested dialogue to make it easy for you
And of course all the other things that it will lead to such as the supplies that you might need
The thought of it might make you want to hide in the teacher’s lounge and not come out for a few days! Especially when you have so many other things to think about such as your lesson plans, reading programs, setting your classroom up and not to mention getting your own family ready for school to start.
I have been teaching manners to children for years so I have learned a think or two and I am about to share the process with you.
Today, I am making an announcement that will save the day. This is a BIG DEAL. You will not want to miss this.
Take a step back and don’t be overwhelmed by something else that you have to teach. We have your back on this one.
We have a step-by-step process that we promise will make you the hero at your school. Who doesn’t want to make a difference for students?
Your students need your help on this one.
Are you wondering what this is all about? Well, you are in luck!
An Important Manners Lesson for the First Day of School: Preparing for the New Student in Your Classroom
Have you ever been the new student at school? It is not easy. Today’s article and video (below) gives tips on how to involve your students while at the same time providing a lesson on using good manners at school.
Put yourself in the shoes of the new student. Wouldn’t it be nice to have some personal attention during this tough transition?
By becoming aware of the new students, it gives your students the chance to practice:
Good character
Respect for others
Life skills
Conversation skills
Involve your students. Ask their thoughts on how they can help someone integrate into your school. Here are some ideas:
Tips to Help the New Student at School
Choose a student: Select a student to sit with the new person during lunch for the first week of school.
A list of questions: As a class, create a list of questions to ask the new student. This is a great exercise and promotes conversation skills.
Show them around: Instead of handing the new student a map or nothing at all, provide a human touch and have a student show them how to proceed through the line at the cafeteria, walk them to the library and where the restrooms are located.
Print and customize to meet the needs of your students and timeframe. You decide how many modules to teach at at time. You may teach a lesson for 10 minutes or an entire week at a designated time. Many schools use our curriculum for after school programs.
Teach and Transform. Read testimonials from other educators. All the praise is located on our website.
Watch the video for more ideas and teachable moments to use in your classroom:
Our work is featured in the New York Times, Parents Magazine, The Huffington Post, Fox News Channel and the Today Show website. We develop teaching curriculum for all grade levels.
We are here to help guide you on making a meaningful mark on today’s youth.
Teach Manners in Your Classroom Less Testing More Social Skills: The Ohio Department of Education announced their focus will be on teaching social skills. A link to the article is below. The states new five year plan is called “Each Child Our Focus”, which promotes the “whole child”. Ohio’s schools serve over 1.7 million students and the focus on social skills will be from K-12.
Ohio’s goal for implementing this plan is to improve the number of students that go to college or some other type of training to achieve job success.
Ohio’s superintendent comments on how we live in a constantly changing job environment and who knows what the future job market will be. She feels we need to at least prepare students to cope with important life skills.
Are You Teaching Manners and Social Skills in Your Classroom?
As a teacher, you know how important social skills are for a student’s success. Children who are polite and well spoken, find it easier to get along with their others and make a positive impression on the adults in their lives. As a result, more opportunities come their way, laying the foundation for future success in life.
It is easy to point fingers and pass it off that manners should be taught at home. Yet too many children are not being taught proper manners or other valuable social skills at home. Which means it is up to us as educators, teachers, guidance counselors or principals to equip students with these important life tools – and help them grow up to be responsible, caring, successful global citizens.
Our manners curriculum is available to use in your classroom. The lesson plans are easy to use and may be customized to fit into your timeframe. Teachers use this in 10 minute segments or some devote an entire semester. Of course, there are enough modules for an extended after school program. Role- playing actives are included. In fact, that is what we are known for….our curriculum is modern and relevant. Children and teens love attending a Manners To Go program.
How to Teach Kids to Stand Up for Themselves: She Knows is an online resources which provides us with resources about parenting and relationships. Recently, we were contacted by a contributing writer about our thoughts on helping parents to guide their kids on how to stand up for themselves.
At Manners To Go, we are big believers in teaching children to have opinions, to think for themselves and stand up for their beliefs. As adults, we understand that when we express our opinions or stand up for ourselves, it is all in the delivery. Our children need to be taught this behavior…to respect others in the midst of standing up for their beliefs.
Of course, the family meal is a prime opportunity for these discussions and teachable moments. We always encourage the family meal as a time to teach your child how to hold your fork correctly but also a time to learn conversation skills and your values. The kitchen table is a safe space to practice. Asking questions such as “what do you think” or “why is this important to you” helps them to define their beliefs and options.
Teach Children How to Express Themselves Without Being Rude
Respect: During these teachable moments and conversations on popular topics at hand, have the discussion about delivery…in a respectful manner. Teach them to take a deep breath before responding, make eye contact, respectful body language and most importantly, watch their tone of voice. Teach your child that it’s OK to have an opinion as long as you are delivering your message in a clear, direct way.
As our children live in the ever expanding social media world, now more than ever they need to see you and experience you modeling respect behavior in everyday life.
Step in When Necessary: If you see that your child is becoming angry and your grandmother is becoming uncomfortable, step in and intervene. You can assist them by saying “this is what I think you’re trying to say”. Next, show them how to say it in a tone that shows respect and is polite. Don’t embarrass your child in the situation but you do want to calm them down. If the adults are strangers or acquaintances, you can wait until later to handle it.
When addressing the situation, emphasize that you want them to have an opinion, but how they express their opinion is important.
Apologizing: If your child’s behavior is out of line, meaning if they are yelling and being impolite, then an apology is necessary. When your child is stating an opinion that might differ from those involved in the conversation, then an apology is not always necessary.
How do you teach you children how to stand up for themselves? We would love for you to share your tips.
Most likely we already share something in common. We believe that teaching children manners, character and social emotional skills are very important.
Manners To Go™ is a full-service company for those choosing to teach manners to children. You can make a difference. All children and teenagers deserve to feel what it is like to be confident, and use good manners out in the world.
Manners To Go™ is taught in public, private and charter schools around the world. The New York Times, Parents Magazine and Fox News have all featured Manners To Go and the many benefits of teaching social skills to children.
Whether you are an educator who wants to teach it in the classroom or someone who is looking to become trained and certified, we provide all the solutions.
My name is Lisa Richey, and I am the founder of Manners To Go™ . This brand has given me the honor of teaching manners to thousands of people around the world. The journey has taken me from Portland, Oregon to the Middle East. I believe that manners are not about judgment or rules. Manners are about self-interest. It really is about how using good manners makes you feel on the inside.