Becoming an etiquette expert grants you many rewards. You’re able to make an impact on people’s lives and help people achieve their goals. Getting your etiquette certification is an important first step in working with clients to achieve those amazing results.
An etiquette certification gives you the opportunity to put your skills to use while being even more professional.
If you’re interested in pursuing your etiquette certification, here is some more information that you should know about the field!
What Is An Etiquette Certification and Why Is This Field Important?
While I was doing some research for a business etiquette presentation, I came across an article that revolved around the idea of emotional intelligence being one of the most important job skills.
But why is it so important?
Emotional intelligence is about our feelings and our actions. More specifically, it focuses on our manners and our ability to empathize and project kindness.
Human beings gravitate toward those who can empathize and be kind. While technical skills are necessary, younger generations need to be able to handle the emotional skills associated with certain situations.
These skills are:
- Self-awareness
- Empathy
- Managing emotions
- Respect
- Social skills
- Character
That is where etiquette experts come in! As a certified etiquette expert, you have the opportunity to support others in their journey of becoming more emotionally equipped in handling worldly situations.
An etiquette certification ensures your verified status as an etiquette expert. Taking an etiquette certification course is critical because it will provide you with the necessary skills and expertise.
With a certification, you will feel more confident and respected in your skills. In addition, schools and private practices will be looking for qualified candidates to teach social etiquette.
Is Getting An Etiquette Certification Necessary?
Getting an etiquette certification is central to establishing a career and reputation as an etiquette expert.
Teaching manners may seem like an easy feat because you know your own manners. But training others in the propriety of social etiquette can be more complex.
If you don’t certify yourself as an etiquette expert, you’re risking your credibility. Many parents and teachers will want to ensure your capability of teaching manners and social graces.
Another reason that an etiquette certification is important is proper training. Independently (and without a certification) you’ll need to create your own curriculum.
If you’ve never taken a class or course on teaching social etiquette, how will you know where to start? Without a curriculum to teach from, you’ll have a harder time providing the proper social etiquette education that people need.
Related: How to Become an Etiquette Consultant and Set Up Your Business
Why You Should Consider Getting An Etiquette Certification
With a proper etiquette certification, you won’t need to worry about the question of qualifications or how to create your own curriculum.
Inside the Manners To Go’s certification program, we provide all of the tools you will need for starting your own etiquette consultant business. Our training offers knowledge on how to develop your own skills while teaching children how to feel more confident, self-assured and kind.
Our certification program prepares you for any situation that is thrown your way.
If you’re contacted by an educator, our program gives you a package of materials needed to teach a course. For private lessons, you’ll be able to correctly teach manners at individual homes. For larger companies, you’ll be able to properly train employees.
Why else should you become certified?
You’ll Demonstrate Your Expertise
As I mentioned earlier, qualifications are crucial to becoming an etiquette expert. With an etiquette certification, you’ll be more respected in your position as an etiquette coach.
Completing a certification program means that you’ve accumulated large amounts of information and skill. It’s time to put it all to use!
As a certified etiquette expert, you have the ability to show your knowledge and skills within the world of teaching manners.
You’ll Be Seen As Qualified
Because you’ve been accredited by a course or institution, you’ll be displaying your qualifications for all of your clients to see.
Your etiquette certification shows that you’ve received the highest standard of education when it comes to social etiquette.
Your credentials will speak for themselves. As a result, you may find that more clients reach out. They’ll see your qualifications and know that you are capable of providing a strong social etiquette education.
You Can Earn More Money
An etiquette certification proves that you’re a professional at what you do. And that, means you deserve to be paid as a professional!
Having the qualifications and the professionalism that comes with an etiquette certification, gives you the opportunity to set your own professional prices.
You’ll Stay Current and Relevant
One of the best things about having an etiquette certification is that your teaching methods and materials will never be out-of-date!
When you receive certification through Manners To Go, we keep you updated on new practices and ways to keep children engaged. Our program focuses on making a difference in children’s lives. We are committed to guaranteeing your education as the etiquette niche evolves.
Becoming an etiquette coach is a great career path to follow because of the opportunities that your work grants people. Having the proper etiquette certification allows you to be even more qualified and prepared to teach people social etiquette.
With all of the knowledge you gain from this program, you’re able to teach students how to feel more confident and assured in their mannerisms.
Here is a FREE Guide to Help YOU Start a Business Teaching Manners to Children
Here Are Your Next Steps

Get to Know Manners To Go™
Most likely, you will want to get to know us. Feel free to call or email us. Click on the links below. We are happy to discuss the details with you.

Decide on the best training option for you
We offer two trainings to become certified to teach manners to children:

Option #1:
“Live” Video Training
If you are looking to start immediately and save money on travel and time, then this is your best option.You choose the dates of our trainings. Most choose to have their sessions once a week, others twice. This is a “live” and private training. It is NOT self-guided.

Option #2:
Two-Day In-Person
PRIVATE Training. That’s right, we meet in person, the two of us and our focus is completely on your business. Click the image above or follow the button below to learn more and to see a list of cities available for your training.

Receive the curriculum and book your training dates
Upon payment, you receive the curriculum. Next, we will send an email asking you to schedule your first training date.

Join the
Manners To Go™ movement with Lisa Richey.
Here is a FREE Guide to Help YOU Start a Business Teaching Manners to Children
Here Are Your Next Steps

Get to Know Manners To Go™
Most likely, you will want to get to know us. Feel free to call or email us. Click on the links below. We are happy to discuss the details with you.

Decide on the best training option for you
We offer two trainings to become certified to teach manners to children:

Option #1:
“Live” Video Training
If you are looking to start immediately and save money on travel and time, then this is your best option.You choose the dates of our trainings. Most choose to have their sessions once a week, others twice. This is a “live” and private training. It is NOT self-guided.

Option #2:
Two-Day In-Person
PRIVATE Training. That’s right, we meet in person, the two of us and our focus is completely on your business. Click the image above or follow the button below to learn more and to see a list of cities available for your training.

Receive the curriculum and book your training dates
Upon payment, you receive the curriculum. Next, we will send an email asking you to schedule your first training date.

Join the
Manners To Go™ movement with Lisa Richey.
Here is a FREE Guide to Help YOU Start a Business Teaching Manners to Children
Here Are Your Next Steps

Get to Know Manners To Go™
Most likely, you will want to get to know us. Feel free to call or email us. Click on the links below. We are happy to discuss the details with you.

Decide on the best training option for you
We offer two trainings to become certified to teach manners to children:

Option #1:
“Live” Video Training
If you are looking to start immediately and save money on travel and time, then this is your best option.You choose the dates of our trainings. Most choose to have their sessions once a week, others twice. This is a “live” and private training. It is NOT self-guided.

Option #2:
Two-Day In-Person
PRIVATE Training. That’s right, we meet in person, the two of us and our focus is completely on your business. Click the image above or follow the button below to learn more and to see a list of cities available for your training.

Receive the curriculum and book your training dates
Upon payment, you receive the curriculum. Next, we will send an email asking you to schedule your first training date.

Join the
Manners To Go™ movement with Lisa Richey.