Etiquette Expert on Thank You Notes
As an etiquette expert, you will be asked a thousand times to give advice on thank you note writing.
Showing appreciation is an act of generosity and is always well-received.
It shows respect and in turn makes us feel good from the inside out.
Now, more than ever, it is time to get personal. Sending an email or a text to thank someone for a gift is not personal.
If you are doubting whether you should take the time to send a thank you note – don’t second guess your decision. Take out your cards and write one.
As an etiquette expert, you will be asked about writing thank you notes a thousand times. And today, I am going to give you the guidance you need to answer it.

Thank You Note Etiquette: When To Send Thank You Notes
While it’s always a good time to give thanks, sending a thank-you note (and never missing an important occasion to send one) will help our words stand out and show the utmost gratitude.
Here are some tips on when to send a thank-you note:
When You Receive A Gift
Every time you get a present, you should send a handwritten thank you note. No matter how small the present (or how many presents you receive), your gift-givers deserve notes of thanks for each one!
Think of all the time and consideration that goes into giving a present:
- Thinking of the perfect gift
- Purchasing (or making)
- Wrapping
- Delivering
If someone is tempted to hop on the computer, remind them that sending an email is not the same as writing a note in pen and ink. Even in the age of technology, emails feel less sincere and more aloof than physical notes.
Guide them to not take the easy way out! Thank you note etiquette for receiving a gift indicates we should take the extra steps and hand-write words of appreciation.

When Someone Does Something Special For You
Let’s say someone takes time out of their busy schedule to assist you with a project. Their gift of time and expertise deserves a note of thanks! For these occasions, an email or hand-written note is acceptable (especially if the favor was professional).
The note needs to mention how someone helped them! Specific details make a thank you note more sincere. Remember, time and attention are precious gifts, no matter who they come from!
After A Professional Meeting
Even a simple meeting is cause for thanks! After an event or a meeting, practice proper thank you note etiquette by expressing gratitude to the other people in attendance.
A thank-you message after a professional meeting goes a long way in making connections and building relationships. It demonstrates that you got something out of the meeting and are grateful for the knowledge you acquired.
It doesn’t matter if you are meeting with someone for the first time or the fiftieth! Thank you note etiquette can be used for all levels of working relationships. You may not have even come in contact with the person you are thanking (if the person was a speaker at your professional event). But if you appreciated their style and delivery or learned something new, they deserve thanks.
How To Practice Thank You Note Etiquette
Guide your students or clients to follow certain steps when writing thank you notes.
From thoughtful words to strategic timing, here are all the tips and tricks needed :
Send The Note Quickly
Timeliness registers as sincerity when it comes to thank you messages.
Consider the times you’ve been thanked. Messages that come through sooner are those that truly make you feel appreciated. Don’t miss your opportunity to thank others as soon as you can!
As an etiquette expert, you can tell them it is never too late to send a note. It is better to send a late note than not send one at all.
Start With A Greeting
It may be tempting to skip the greeting in a rush. However, a greeting (formal or informal) makes a thank-you note more meaningful.
Here are some examples:
- Hi Madeline
- Madeline
A more professional greeting is necessary for a job interviewer than for a long-time associate or friend.
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