Manners Blog
Elementary School Manners
What Are Good Manners in the Elementary School Classroom and Why They Are Needed Do elementary school students need to learn good manners? Is it still useful for students to learn good social skills? Are you the one that needs to teach...
FAQ’s About Etiquette Certification
Today we are sharing our FAQ's about etiquette certification. You can become certified to teach manners to children as well as a certification in business etiquette. This article answers your questions regarding the certification for children's...
3 Fun Manners Activities to Use in Your Classroom
Manners can be fun. Students love learning about them. In fact, these activities make is so fun, they will not even realize they are learning basic social skills. At Manners To Go, we believe you need to start with the “why”. Whether you are an...
How to Be a Charming Woman
How to Be a Charming Woman I believe becoming a charming woman is a possibility for absolutely everyone. Here is the key- you must want to become charming. Yes, for some it is innate. For others, they must set the intention to become...
How to Teach Your Students to Have a Conversation
| Etiquette Expert How do you teach your students to have a conversation? Isn’t it special to have someone be fully present with you? To have a conversation with anyone, an adult or a child is something to behold these...
Manners Curriculum and Lesson Plans for High School Students
Manners Curriculums and Lesson Plans for High School Students Watch the Video for 3 Tips to Teach Manners in Your Classroom Our video today discusses three important tips that you can easily teach in your classroom....
3 Incredible Reasons to Become an Etiquette Coach
Do you want a career that challenges you and leaves you fulfilled at the end of each day? Here’s why you should consider becoming an etiquette coach.
What’s Catching My Eye So Far This Month
Spring is here and everything looks brighter. As I travel, peruse social media, or talk with friends, I notice certain things that attract my eye - my attention. At times I indulge and other times I only take note and save it for later....