Manners Blog
How to Get an Etiquette Certification in 2023
Etiquette Certification - There are many reasons to become an entrepreneur. One of them is the value you can bring to the world. Getting an etiquette certification is one of the greatest reasons to start a business because our children need...
Lunch Etiquette
Ladies Lunch at My House Last week I hosted a lunch in my home for two friends- who are also entrepreneurs, content creators, and lovers of all things “business” and beautiful. There is something about a meal that has been cooked by someone else-...
An American in Provence and Why I Loved Reading It
An American in Provence by Jamie Beck was a surprise hit for me. I sat down one cold evening in January expecting a quick flip - you know the coffee table book that you enjoy exploring and perusing. You strategically place it in your home- on your...
9 Reasons Why Becoming Certified is a Good Idea Manners To Go is the only manners certification program you will ever need to start your etiquette business. Keep reading for more details about training options. Here are the 9 Reasons Manners To Go is a Great...
Etiquette Expert: How I Built My Business Teaching Manners to Children You have asked great questions and I am going to answer them. We asked you to call and the response was remarkable. The phone calls have poured in the last two months and we have loved speaking with you all. My wish is...
My Victoria Magazine EnTEApreneur Interview.
I was so fortunate to be included in an exciting photo shoot for Victoria Magazine. Suzanne Smith of Crazy Blonde Life and I were selected to be featured in the Entrepreneur January Issue. I will let you know, this became a...
Etiquette Certification: Youth/Summer Camp Programs Need You To Teach Manners Youth/Summer Camp Programs Need You To Teach Manners Helping You Make a Meaningful Change for Today’s Youth Organizations are looking for someone like you to teach manners to children. Example of...
Etiquette Certification: 3 Lessons I’ve Learned from Our Licensees Etiquette Certification: 3 Lessons I’ve Learned from our Licensees | All of our licensees have touched me in many ways. I am so proud of them. In fact, bursting at the seams proudly. A new licensee called...