Manners Blog

Afternoon Tea with Crazy Blond Life

Afternoon Tea with Crazy Blond Life

Isn't wonderful when you meet a new friend? I recently moved and as many of you know, finding friends is such an important part of starting a new life. In fact, it tops my list. Suzanne, is incredibly talented, a beautiful person inside and out and...

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Afternoon Tea in Italy

Afternoon Tea in Italy

Today, I am sharing the unboxing of the most unique teacups in my collection.  At the end of  September I started a journey to Italy. My goal was to see the beauty of course, but like most of us…I, too , wanted to eat all the pasta,...

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High School Manners Program | Choate

High School Manners Program | Choate

 High School Manners Program | Choate On a very cold wintery day in the fact, a record-breaking snowfall, I started my journey north.  All in all, it involved my husband driving on snow-covered not yet plowed streets, airplanes,...

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Teaching Manners: Why Become Certified

Teaching Manners: Why Become Certified Teaching Manners: Why Become Certified Should I become certified to teach manners to children?  This article is prompted by a recent phone call I had with a potential licensee. Why become certified?  It is a...

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Lisa RicheyLisa Richey provides etiquette programs to businesses, schools, and individuals.

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