My Favorite Tea Blend and What I Add That Might Surprise You
Most likely we have a love of tea in common. To me, a cup of tea makes everything more special – whether sitting at my desk working or out with friends.
It is not a secret that I love Mariage Frères tea. I first discovered the tea at a friend’s house many years ago. Since then, I have purchased it multiple times and visited their flagship store in Paris (also many times).
The BOLÉRO blend is my absolute favorite blend. It is a black tea with a fruity blend. I like both the loose tea as well as the sachets.
I love it with toast in the morning and in the afternoons with chocolate.
Recently, I served it for a lunch party at my house. Have you read the article? You can click here to read it and watch the video.
The tea blend was such a big hit that both of my guests ordered it immediately and posted about it on Instagram!

Here is What I Put in Tea That May Surprise You
This might surprise you. I like to add good-quality maple syrup to my cup of tea. And here is why- it adds such a rich flavor and I do not get a sugar rush or high from it.
I like the Bolero blend with or without milk
About Mariage Frères Tea
Mariage Frères is a tea company that was founded in 1854 by two brothers. The literal translation is “the Mariage brothers”. They are credited with being the first to create unique French blends which are inspired by French cuisine and wines.
You can find it online as well as at Bergdorf’s in New York.
What is your favorite tea? And I would love to see photos of you having tea. Tag us on Instagram or send them to us via email at
Enjoy and as always, we look forward to hearing from you.
Have you read the article about A Ladies Lunch at My House (and Lunch Etiquette)? Click here
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