Teach Manners to Middle School Students

Manners for Middle School Students

Teaching manners to middle school students is more important than ever.  As you can see from the testimonial above, manners improve friendships, opportunities and confidence.

The above testimonial is from the Malcolm Pray Achievement center in Stamford, Connecticut.The mission of the Pray Achievement center is to inspire young people to establish goals and reach for them. To learn more about Malcolm Pray and the Achievement Center, click here.

Recently, the director, Marikay Satryano implemented the Manners To Go program and curriculum with stellar results.  The teens loved the program and were so engaged and wanted to learn more.

Benefits of Teaching Manners to Middle School Students

Benefits of Teaching Manners to Your Students

  • Improved confidence and self-esteem
  • Brings an awareness of what respectable behaviors are and how to use them in everyday life
  • Teaches empathy to tweens and teens
  • Manners and respect are inseparable
  • Disruptive behaviors are reduced when students use their manners and therefore allows for more teaching time in the classroom

Teach Manners To Middle School Students

Why not be cutting edge and allow your school to become an advocate of manners?

The program is ideal for educators who wish to teach students valuable life skills during or after school.

The Program Works Because…

  • The content is fresh, witty and speaks to middle school students. Role playing activities
    are included for each module
  • The activities are fun and occur in our everyday life
  • The program easily fits into your day and may be taught in 10, 20 or 30 minute sessions.
  • The lesson plans are designed to be customized to meet your timeframe and include suggested dialogue
  • The program may be taught at a school assembly or other special event

If you are interested in having Lisa Richey present a manners program for a school assembly for your students, click here for more information.

For more tips on how to teach manners, follow Manners To Go on Facebook. 





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