Teaching Etiquette in St. Maarten: New Manners To Go Licensee

Elaine, who is located near St.Maarten, completed her third etiquette certification training session.  A few days before our fourth session, she emailed to let me know the hurricane was approaching her island.

A few months later you can imagine how thrilled I was to receive an email from her letting me know she was well and her island was slowly but surely recovering.  We made plans to meet in Florida so that she could finish her certification in person.  She chose the 2 day in-person immersion option.

Our time together was memorable.

The Boys and Girls Club of Tampa experienced Elaine’s passion firsthand.  She not only observed me teaching but also taught a portion of the class.  Over 50 children attended our manners event.

Whew, we were busy! Later that afternoon, twelve Girl Scouts earned their Manners badge.  The girls were served a meal so that they could learn everything there is to know about table manners.

Continue reading and you will learn more about Elaine.  Welcome her to Manners To Go.Manners Teacher in the Caribbean

1. What excites you most about teaching manners to children in St. Maarten?

The look on the children’s faces when they learn something new.

2.  How do you like to start your day?
With prayer.  It is important for me to start my day on an inspirational note.
Manners Classes in Caribbean
3. What is your favorite meal to serve to your children and why?
Spaghetti and meatballs!  It is fun to see the big smile of amusement when they get a spaghetti strand that is longer than expected.
4. What advice would you give to your 21 year-old self?
Believe in yourself. Once you do, you can accomplish anything you desire.
Trained and Certified to Teach Etiquette Lessons to Children
5. One woman you would like to be for the day?
My mom. She’s my heroine.

Would You Like to Start a Business Teaching Manners to Children?

Lisa Richey teaching etiquette at a school event

Most likely we already share something in common. We believe that teaching children manners, character and social emotional skills are very important.

Manners To Go™ is a full-service company for those choosing to teach manners to children. You can make a difference. All children and teenagers deserve to feel what it is like to be confident, and use good manners out in the world.

Manners To Go™ is taught in public, private and charter schools around the world. The New York Times, Parents Magazine and Fox News have all featured Manners To Go and the many benefits of teaching social skills to children.

 Contact Manners To Go

Go ahead and connect with us. We love it when you call.  You can email or follow us on social media.

First, back to the phone call. This is our favorite way to connect. Call us at 610-212-1862.  We will answer and most likely spend a lovely moment with you answering your most pressing questions.

You can schedule a time to speak with us by using this link.

Get Certified to Teach Manners To Children

You may email us too.  Here is the link to a contact form.  It is easy…. we promise.

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