Teaching Manners To Go in the Philippines

We have a new Manners To Go licensee in the Philippines.  Rita has the exclusive rights to teach the Manners To Go program in her country.  We are thrilled to have her on the team.

We talk about getting a fast start to your business at Manners To Go. Rita has done just that.  Within a few weeks she was out talking about her new business.  She quickly created a Facebook page and website.  I am impressed.

Read more about her below as well as find links to Rita’s website. The name of her business is Manners and Mindfulness.

Join me in welcoming her to Manners To Go.

Certified and Trained to Teach Manners To Go Children

Rita Linda Dayrit

how to start etiquette business
What is the best advice you have given as a mother to another mother? 
To be truly present in the lives of their children.  To respect and understand what your child is going through. Always remember that they (the mother) have been young once too.
become etiquette consultant
What is one place everyone should experience with children?
Disney World.  It is so nice to see a child’s face light up as they take the different rides and watch the shows.  You can also learn some lessons in manners and mindfulness there.  You can teach children how to patiently stand in line, wait your turn at the restaurants, and be respectful to the employees at Disney.
How do you like to start your day? 
I start my day with a 20-minute quiet time in prayer then I take my juice which is a mixture of fruits and greens.
Manners Certification: How to Become Certified and Trained
One woman you would like to be for the day?
 A broadcast journalist like Christian Amanpour. I think I can do this job very well since I have a keen interest in people.
Manners Certification
I can’t stop talking about….
My children and how they make me proud and how happy I am for who they have become.

To Learn more about Rita | Manners and Mindfulness in the Philippines

You may contact Rita.  Here is a link to her website.

Read Rita’s Testimonial about Manners To Go

“Lisa is a great mentor and her Manners to Go program is truly turn key. She taught me everything that I needed to learn to ensure that I will be successful in my endeavor . The program has been very helpful every step of the way. I feel truly blessed that I am part of her team.”
Manners Classes for Charter Schools

Teach Manners to Children

We have women from all backgrounds and work history. Of course, we would love to have men on our team and I bet that is around the corner.  Many have called to express interest in teaching manners to children.

Women who are mothers, teachers, doctors and professors are all starting their businesses teaching social skills to children.  I can promise you this….teaching is so rewarding and not to mention the pride of owning something that is yours.  Manners To Go is a licensing program.  You name your business and use our curriculum, You may use our branding if you want to and we will provide our guidance and expertise to get  you started.  Our program is neatly wrapped into one big experience. We have been told that Manners To Go is so much more than expected and we LOVE hearing how wonderful it is!

Contact Manners To Go

Go ahead and connect with us. We love it when you call.  You can email or follow us on social media.

First, back to the phone call. This is our favorite way to connect. Call us at 610-212-1862.  We will answer and most likely spend a lovely moment with you answering your most pressing questions.

You can schedule a time to speak with us by using this link.

Get Certified to Teach Manners To Children

You may email us too.  Here is the link to a contact form.  It is easy…. we promise.

Here is the link to the Manners To Go Facebook page.

We love Instagram. Here is the link to follow us.

About Lisa Richey,  founder of Manners To Go

About Manners To Go

Most likely we already share something in common. We believe that teaching children manners, character and social emotional skills are very important.

Manners To Go™ is a full-service company for those choosing to teach manners to children. You can make a difference. All children and teenagers deserve to feel what it is like to be confident, and use good manners out in the world.

Manners To Go™ is taught in public, private and charter schools around the world. The New York Times, Parents Magazine and Fox News have all featured Manners To Go and the many benefits of teaching social skills to children.

Training Options by Manners To Go

In-Person Option | Click in the box to learn more

How to Become Certified to Teach Manners To Children

Private Video Sessions | The Two of Us | Click in the box to learn more.

How to Become Certified to Teach Manners to Children

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