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Why You Need to Be Trained to Teach Manners to Children?

All of you are on my mind today. As I was researching and preparing for a presentation on business etiquette, I found an article that says “ Emotional Intelligence is the most important job skill in 2020.

Today’s youth need emotional intelligence.  They need to learn basic manners, empathy and kindness.

If we are to remain competitive in a global environment, we must prepare our children.  They need technical skills but they also need to be emotionally equipped.

Emotional Intelligence is often referred to as Social Emotional Learning or SEL in our schools today.

Our children and teens need skills such as:

  • Self-awareness
  • Empathy
  • Managing emotions
  • Respect
  • Social skills
  • Character

Teachers, associations and parents need you, the etiquette expert, to teach and guide our youth toward emotional intelligence.

You are on my mind because of the need our youth has for your skills.  The world needs what you have to offer.

Why You Need to Be Trained to Teach Manners to Children?

At Manners To Go, we give you the tools to get started teaching manners to children.  We assist and guide you on how to develop the skill set to start a business. 

We give you the training to teach children how to be self-assured, confident and kind to others.  

If an educator contacts you about a school assembly, we provide you with the complete package to meet their needs.

When a parent contacts you to teach table manners in their home, you know exactly what to do. 

If a country club needs an outside consultant to provide programming for their members, you have a plan. 

Here is how you get started on your etiquette certification and training:

Step 1

Choose:  Choose your ideal training.  We have two options for you to become certified and trained to start your business.  

One option is four, one hour “live” video trainings.  You schedule the sessions according to your timeframe.  Most choose to have their training once a week, some twice. These sessions are private….the two of us on a video call.

Our second option is a private, two day, immersion training.  We meet in-person.  Our focus is completely on you.  The cities to choose from are located on our website and on the link below.

Of course, either option has on-going support and training as needed during the three-year license period. There is not a charge for this support.

Step 2

Receive download:  Upon payment (either option), you receive the entire curriculum immediately.

Step 3

Become certified:  Once you have completed your certification, you are now licensed by us to teach manners to children.  We will send the certification and you will be able to display this certification on your website to associate your new business with ours. 

To see a list of what is included with your license, materials and training, click each image below:

Professional Consultant Certification - Live video training

2 Day Etiquette Certificate Training

Have you received our FREE GUIDE?

Etiquette Certification by Manners To Go

Click Here to Send Us an Email

Would you like to get to know us?  Feel free to schedule a call to speak about our etiquette certification program.

Click Here to Schedule a Call with Lisa Richey

Manners To Go Links and Resources

Certified Etiquette Expert: Making It Happen

How to Establish Authority as an Etiquette Expert When You Are First Starting Out

Etiquette Certification: JK Rowling, Harry Potter and Manners