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Launch Your Business Teaching Manners to Children

Earn Your Manners Certification



Are you interested in becoming certified to teach manners to children? If so, you are absolutely in the right place. Manners To Go is a full service company that offers you the most comprehensive manners certification available.

How Are You Trained?

This is a really good question and one that really sets our company apart. In fact, the way you are trained to start your own business teaching manners to children is one of the most acclaimed and highly sought after points of the program. Below, you can read the testimonials to see what others are saying about how they received “above and beyond” what they expected. More about that later, but you know the saying; “the proof is in the pudding”!

You are trained via private, real-time (live) video. It is as if you are sitting across the desk from me. My camera is on and you can see me. You have the option to turn on your video camera. Some do. Some don’t. It is your choice. Mine is always on during our call so you can see me “live” sitting in my office.

With the Manners To Go™ certification program, you do not have to wait for specific training dates. This saves you time and money. You select your training dates according to your schedule.

Manners To Go™ is a national brand that gives you the edge and a very fast start to your business and class instruction. The material is witty, contemporary and beautifully illustrated.
How it Works
Step 1
Once the program is purchased, the materials are downloaded to you electronically. At this time, Licensees have the opportunity to peruse the materials before the first training call. The program is vast and contains a turnkey system for getting started on your new business.
Step 2
You set the date(s) for your first training session. A call link will be sent for our first training session. You set the pace for your training calls. Many Licensees choose to train once a week. Some choose twice a week. You receive four one-hour sessions with the founder, Lisa Richey. Yes, even after the four hours you still have the opportunity to receive ongoing training. In fact, we encourage it.

With each training call, you also receive the very popular marketing guides from Manners To Go.

Step 3
After you have completed the four sessions, you are certified. You receive a button to place on your website to let your new client base know that you are now accredited by The American Academy of Etiquette and Manners To Go, an international brand, to teach manners to children.
There is no need to travel or wait for a class. Manners To Go™ is customized to your needs and time-frame.
This saves you time and money.

Manners To Go is a Licensing and Certification Program

 The etiquette certification program by Manners To Go is a License and Certification opportunity.  Once your initial payment is made, you do not owe us any fees until the end of the period, which is three years.  There are not any annual fees or royalties during the duration of our agreement.  The “License and Certification” agreement is listed on this site and you may read it in its entirety.


The Manners To Go™ Program and Certification Includes:


Curriculum and Lesson Plans for:

  • The Early Years
  • Middle School
  • High School
  • College Programs
  • Four one-hour private sessions with Lisa Taylor Richey
  • Training manuals for each grade level (1000+ pages)
  • Samples of proposals and marketing materials to start your business
  • License to use the Manners To Go artwork, logo and select materials
  • Ongoing support from Manners To Go to grow your business


Features of the Curriculum

  • Easy-to-use lesson plans that state the objective, activities, items needed and room set-up for each topic
  • Suggested dialogue for the teacher to follow along while teaching
  • Role-playing activities for each lesson
  • Pages for coloring (ages 4-6)
  • Ready to use handouts that are beautifully illustrated and age appropriate
  • Updates to the curriculum
  • Video of classes in action
Lisa Richey instructing via live video
Instruction via live video conferencing
Lisa went above and beyond what she promised to deliver.  Her enthusiasm she shares for my business is very reassuring.  I have found a life long mentor.
Michele W.

Etiquette Consultant 2016

Program examples
Take a Peek into The Manners To Go Curriculum
We are honored to have outstanding reviews who can personally attest to the power of the program.
“I was looking for charm school type material for my after school program for girls, and came upon the Manners To Go website. It was like finding a treasure trove of “what-to-do(s)” and “how-to-do(s)” on manners for children. It was more that I could have imagined finding. Lisa’s example of a weekend as a Manners To Go Consultant, on her website, was what helped me decide to become a certified and licensed consultant. It is, without a doubt, one of the best decisions I have ever made. In receiving my MTG training, Lisa provided every tool and resource needed to become a successful MTG Consultant…Lisa’s Manners To Go is a great product, and it is a joy working with her!”
Lindafaye, N.

Etiquette Consultant, 2015

Manners To Go delivers! I regret not getting started sooner. The investment is modest for the quantity and caliber of materials you receive, not to mention the personal coaching from Lisa. The curriculum is age appropriately structured and organized in an easy to study format that positions you to execute your lesson confidently prepared. If you have a passion for equipping young people in etiquette, Manners To Go, is the way to go!
Alissa R.

Etiquette Consultant, 2016

Lisa Richey Professional Manners InstructorNOW IT IS YOUR TURN!


The world needs your passion for teaching manners to children.

The experience of creating Manners To Go™ has meant more to me than building a brand. It has become the chance for like-minded individuals to take control of their lives – their destiny, share their passions and to launch a business for the good of society.

On behalf of Manners To Go™, I would sincerely love to have the honor and privilege of working with you.

Lisa Taylor Richey

Manners To Go Etiquette Certification Program

I can personally show you how to start a business that allows you to do what you love and earn a profit while doing it.

Lisa Richey

Lisa Richey, Founds of Manners To Go™

This experience and oh-so-rewarding journey has meant more to me than building a brand or a company.

It has become a beautiful opportunity to spend time with others that are like-minded, who want to take control of their future and to launch a business for the good of society. I am so proud of the testimonials about the curriculum from others that I have trained and certified to teach the Manners To Go program.

Building this brand and launching my own business has allowed me so many opportunities to travel to faraway and exciting places.  From Oklahoma to the Middle East, I have taught social skills and confidence to thousands.  You can do this, too.

Keep reading and I will tell you how I got started.

My career started with Speedo, which led me to Levi Strauss and then to Club Corp.  I was promoted along the way and so very thankful for my corporate experience. As I was admiring a Kate Spade handbag one day, I noticed a card inside which told Kate’s story.  I was so inspired and hoped that one that I could own my own business.  It happened!

I have spoken on business etiquette to companies such as Deloitte, Ernest and Young, Siemens, Columbia University and the Ministry of Bahrain. Additionally, I teach the Manners To Go™ program to schools, both public and private. Eloise at The Plaza hosts me to teach afternoon tea and manners to their international clientele. Celebrities retain me to teach their children in the privacy of their homes.

Manners To Go has been featured in The New York Times, Fox Business News, Parents Magazine, and Better Homes and Gardens.

Are you interested in expanding your experiences? Would you like to make a difference in society and launch a business that you love? Email Manners To Go or we can set a time to speak by phone.

I look forward to getting to know you.
Lisa, I am so happy I found you. I’ve wanted to teach kids etiquette for years, but never had the time to research all the material and then figure out how to teach it. With your Manners To Go program, I now have the perfect program to start my business. You delivered exactly what you promised: excellent support and a turnkey system. Thank you for making it easy and fun! It was truly an honor to be trained by someone of your caliber and experience, who was willing to share “everything you know, do, and use” with me. I would highly recommend you to anyone wanting to teach children’s etiquette!”


Sandra E.

Etiquette Consultant 2014

Still Have Questions? Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.